Sunday, November 21, 2010

Water's of Mormon - June 2010

Continuing from last weeks post, one of the things that we did with Hannah, Brady and Olivia after Chris had to return to Idaho.  We spent a day at "the waters of Mormon" (Kinney shores in Saco).  It is an area where when we lived in Saco many members of the Saco Branch went to the beach so they nicknamed it 'the Waters of Mormon".  It is where a small tidal river flows into the ocean by Ocean Park.

Olivia loved the beach!

First we went searching so shells in the flow of the tidal waters receding to the ocean.
Andrew became a Pirate and Brady his First Mate and they built a pirate ship on the beach.

The dreaded pirate and his first mate scavenging for building materials for their vessel.
Prepared to defend against all assaults.
first mate Brady checking out his sword.
Cool Miss Livy taking in the sights!

Another great day at the Waters of Mormon for the Morgan family.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Long Time

The first and last post to this blog was done with Hannah before they moved to Idaho.  At the time Andrew was going to move to Montana to live with his aunt and uncle and get ready to go to Montana State University in Bozeman.  Things did not work out for him at that time and he returned home to try and improve his health before striking out on his own.  So Sandy and I have not been "Just the Two of Us".

I have enjoyed blogs of family and friends as a way of staying connected and know it would help them if I was better at keeping a blog of our adventures.  So this is my first attempt to post on our blog.

This past Spring Hannah, Chris, Brady and Olivia came to Maine for a visit.  We had a great time with them.  Chris, Andrew, Bryce and his girlfriend Shelby and I went to a Red Sox game Thursday May 27th.  We sat a few rows up from Pesky Pole in Right field.  While they lost the game, we had a great time being in the ball park.  It was Chris' first major league game that he attended in person.

We all went to Acadia National Park on Friday May 28th.  It is one of the places that Chris had not gone to when they lived in Maine.  On the way up we stopped in Rockport and walked the Jetty out to the Lighthouse in the bay.  The Jetty is 1 mile long.  Here is the crew from left to right: Shelby, Bryce, Andrew, Brady, Hannah, Olivia, Chris and Sandy.  I am behind the camera!
We camped out the first night. The next two nights were spent in Bar Harbor at the Holland House, a rental that our friends Greg and Ann own. It was not reneted that week and they let us all stay there. We enjoyed some time with them and in Acadia.  No trip to Acadia is complete without pictures at Somes Sound bridge.

We helped Ann celebrate her 50th birthday with a surprise party that Greg had planned.  Pictures of Greg and Paul grilling, Hannah and Bryce at the Piano with Shelby looking on and of course the birthday girl, Ann!

Besides a drive through Acadia we went to the top of Cadillac Mountain.  Here are a few photos of our visit there.  It was windy and cold but we were there in time to see a great sunset, that pictures just did not capture well.

Because we were away the one Sunday that Chris was here, we had a bar-b-que at our house Monday evening (Memorial Day, May 31st) and invited a few families that Chris wanted to make sure he saw from the Yarmouth Branch.
a game of crocket.

Hannah and Olivia trying to stay warm on a cool May night in Maine.

Bryce entertaining by playing and singing. Lee Woodside also played the drums for us.

Brady on Lee's drums.
Shelby with Olivia.

Proud Uncle Bryce with Brady and Olivia

The last picture of the whole gang before Chris left the next morning to return to work.